Table 3

The effect of growth factor addition on DNA synthesis in WCCS-1 cells

Medium% Labelled cells
Values are mean (SD).
Cells were seeded at sparse density and grown in α;Ham supplemented with 10% serum for 24 hours and then rinsed in phosphate buffered saline and exposed to the experimental media for 72 h. Between the 71st and 72nd hour, the cultures were pulse labelled with 10 μCi tritiated thymidine/ml medium. The cultures were fixed and subjected to autoradiography. The proportion of cells labelled with tritiated thymidine was determined by light microscopy and expressed as percentages to adjust for the large difference in total cell numbers seen in the different experimental situations
IGF, insulin-like growth factor; SFM, serum free medium.
10% serum28.5 (7.4)
α;Ham (SFM)29.1 (5.6)
SFM + 10 ng IGF-I/ml26.6 (8.1)
SFM + 10 ng IGF-II/ml29.7 (6.0)
SFM + 10 ng Des(1-3)IGF-I/ml27.0 (9.6)