Table 2

A comparison of zFOC1 genomic and EST sequence data reveals a complex alternative splice pattern at the 5′ of zFOC1 transcripts

5′ Intronic sequenceExon number3′ Intronic sequenceBAC positionmRNA positionAL834266AK056034
Intron–exon splice junctions (columns 1–3) were deduced by a comparison of DNA sequence in BAC clone AC068790 (column 4) with those in ESTs AL834266 (column 6) and AK056034 (column 7). Consensus bases at splice sites are highlighted in bold. The positions of intron–exon splice sites in the mRNA sequence (from EST AL834266) are given in column 5. The presence (+) or absence (−) of exons in each EST is shown in columns 6 and 7. The numbers in parenthesis in columns 6 and 7 indicate the start and end of each clone.
BAC, bacterial artificial chromosome; EST, expressed sequence tag.
(St)(St) 1 …cttggagtgagt …29039–292681–230(1) +(186) +
…tttcagggcgcc … 2 …acccaggtaaac …29804–29937764–898++
…atccagcaggat … 3 …actgtggtaagt …43960–44055899–994++
…agacagagtctt … 4 …ttacaggtgcgt …59339–59457995–1112++
…ctccagatggga … 5 …attatggtaagt …60795–608521113–1170+
…cttcagacctgc … 6 …aaaaaggtttgt …67298–673581171–1231+
…ttacaggagacg … 7 →67463–713371232–5106(5106) +(2891) +