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Nitric Oxide and the Regulation of the Peripheral Circulation.
  1. K Stuart-Smith

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    Kadowitz PJ, McNamara DB, eds. (£86.00.) Birkhauser, 2000. ISBN 3 7643 4046 0.

    In the first chapter of this book, Louis Ignarro gives an overview of the discovery of endothelial control of vascular smooth muscle relaxation (endothelium dependent relaxation; EDRF), and the simultaneous elucidation of the mechanism of action of nitrovasodilators (release of nitric oxide (NO) from glyceryl trinitrate). Ignarro and Salvador Moncada showed by different techniques that EDRF and NO were the same substance. In 2001, NO is recognised as a ubiquitous molecule with multiple functions, but it continues to tease us with therapeutic possibilities rather than actualities. We are still at the edge of understanding with this molecule, and the contents of …

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