Table 2

Comparison of amplification crossing points, calculated values for DNA and RNA concentration, and relative percentage recoveries for the kits using nucleic acid extracted by the high pure nucleic acid kit as the standard

VirusExtraction kitNoise band crossing pointCalculated copies/ml (millions)Relative recovery
HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus.
HBVHigh Pure viral nucleic acid12.823.3100%
QIAamp viral RNA18.990.52.2%
QIAamp blood DNA13.2517.776%
NucleoSpin virus16.692.29.3%
High Pure viral RNA17.411.46.0%
HCVHigh Pure viral nucleic acid28.032.5100%
QIAamp viral RNA28.81.664%
QIAamp blood DNA28.232.289%
NucleoSpin virus36.230.020.9%
High Pure viral RNA29.361.246%