Table 1

Clinical and histopathological data, results of immunohistochemistry, p53 sequencing, and microsatellite analyses in 25 advanced gastric carcinomas

Clinical data
Sex: f, female; m, male. Survival status: 0, censored; 1, death. Localisation: ca, cardia; co, corpus; an, antrum. Histopathological classification according to Lauren29: i, intestinal type; d, diffuse type. Regression score according to the Japanese Research Society for Gastric Cancer classification of gastric carcinoma30: 0, grade 0; 1a, grade 1a; 1b, grade 1b; 2, grade 2; 3, grade 3. p53 immunohistochemistry: 0, negative; 1, positive (nuclear expression in >10% of tumour cells). BAX immunohistochemistry: 0, negative; 1, positive (cytoplasmatic expression in >5% of tumour cells). Allelic status of p53 mutation: het, heterozygeous; hemi, hemizygeous.
    Patient ID12345678910111213141516171819202122232425
    Age at diagnosis (years)57496246614251463245554748494443443354504056603436
    Overall survival (months)12.35.550.117.720.
    Survival status1101011111111111111110101
Histopathological data
    Lauren classificationdddiiddiddddiididddddiddd
Histological regression
    Regression score003330000321a1b21a1b030223030
Microsatellite analysis
    Mononcleotide markers
    Dinucleotide markers
    Pentanucleotide marker
Sequencing results
    p53 mutation0011100100011000000100010
    Nucleotide substitutionTCCCTGCCCTGTCCACACTGTGAC
    Allelic status of p53 mutationhethethethethethethethet